Last week Mathilde told us about an article published last year on the independant website and entitled « The march of the atheist movement ». It deals with the place of atheism in english society.
We learn that we are assisting to a revival of this philosophy for a few years, in a society where religion takes a central place. The atheist movement is leaded by organisations like the National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies, wich is acting in universities; and by scientifics like Richard Dawkin, who writen the book The God Delusion. It benefited from a great publicity with an advertising campaign on buses, carriying the slogan: « There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life. » This campaign was initiated by Ariane Sherine, a young comedian. At the begining her aim was to raise £5,500 to run 30 bus ads across London for four weeks. But her idea was such a great success that she received more than £150,000 to realise the project, supported by Richard Dawkin. The result was more than 800 buses in the whole country, and similar initiatives in America and Spain.
This campaign had the interest to put the emphasis on the issue of religion in today's english society. In fact, the influence of religious organisations is very important, and some atheists tend to feel rejected by them. The aim of the campaign was to decrease the hold of religion on society,
We discussed about how we perceived this campaign, and about its impact. According to everyone, it had a spectacular effect, considering the number of people who see this slogan. It made them think about the issue of religion in society, and conceive the fact that there could be no god, that was the aim of the campaign. I think the campaign had a big impact because it is very unusual to see this sorts of ads on buses! That must have marked people's mind, and maybe will open a big debate in english society about the place of religion.
It introduces the second question, wich was about the future of atheism. Mathilde reminded us
that there is no separation between Church and State in England. Consequently religious organisations have an important power in the country. Atheists are fighting for more secularisation of society. Of course every one has the right to believe in his religion, and to practice it, but not to impose it to others people. I think atheism is going to develop, because of all the religious conflicts in the world, and all the horros that mens of all religions commit in the name of God. This will move a lot of people away from believing. Morover, the message of atheism is there is no need to have a god to have a sense to one's life, and to be happy. It places human being at the center, and not God, that could seduce numerous people in ours individualistics societies.
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