Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is death penalty another gender inequality?

During the last lesson, Mathilde told us about the execution of a woman, Teresa Lewis who were accused of two murders and sentenced to die by lethal injection. If every year people are condemned to death penalty, only eleven women have been executed.

This case led us to discuss if the U.S. society is more violent than european society. The death penalty in some states and the easier access to weapons are obviously not helping reducing violence even if the aim of death penalty is to discourage criminalty.
Then the debate made us wondering each other : Why more men than women have been condemned to die in the United States?

It appeared that women benefit of hardless treatments and sanctions in trials. Once again, it is a proof of gender inequalities.
It is not a surprise to say inequalities according to the gender are numerous in modern western society. In every democracy (and even the most advanced ones), if you were born in a rose you will suffer from lower wedges than men for the same job, cliché of weakness or getting more presure than someone from the masculine type.
The example of Teresa Lewis points out inequalities in trials: an inversed inequality, for once, it's better to be a girl!

In the popular imaginary, women are kind, lovely and sweet. he image of the mother is a deep feeling for everyone. In the other hand, men can appeared rude, violent and cruals. In the universal history, all the barbarians were men: Atila, Hitler, Bluebeard, etc... So, juries are always nicer with women. The numbers show it: only eleven women have been executed in the US whereas several hundreds of men have already been killed.
So, how can we explain it apart from the kindness of juries for women? Are men more violent than women?

It is true men are risen up in a more violent way than girls. Indeed, it's usual to see a little bo playing with soldiers when his sister is with a doll learning how to take care of babies.
There again this advantage is a consequence of all the inequalities that women are suffering from: we usually think that a woman is king, sweet or even easily influencable and it is one of the prinipal sources of gender inequality. Women can also be strong, brave or deal with presure.
Thus, even when a thing is in favor of women, this comes from the masculine domination.

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